"Wertsville Road"
24x30" acrylic on canvas

24x30" acrylic on canvas

In 2005, I entered my first juried art exhibition, my entry in that exhibition won an award and was purchased by the Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Commission. I consider that a pivotal point in my journey from a hobbyist to a serious artist, and that painting of Wertsville Road will now be on display in:
"The First Forty..."
an exhibition of work from
the Mercer County Art Collection
celebrating the 40th Anniversary of
Mercer County's Cultural & Heritage Commission
The show runs July 9 - July 31
and is taking place at:
The County's art collection has more than 350 works of art, so not all pieces will be on display in this show. The Commission selected a representative sampling of the work they've collected over the past 40 years, and I'm happy that my painting is one of the pieces selected for this show.